InSystem WeaknessbyDavid E Lares SAndroid Malware Analysis OverviewThe smartphone world is huge and this carries a lot of benefits but also vulnerabilities and risks. To achieve effective testing, we can…Mar 4, 2024Mar 4, 2024
InLevel Up CodingbyDavid E Lares SFundamentals of Social Engineering.Besides any automation technique or implementation, human intervention will always be needed, even on software design and development. It…Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SMalware Sandboxing and Reverse Engineering OverviewSandboxing is a technique used to allow malware to execute in a contained and controlled environment. This environment does however need to…Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SIoC and IoA overviewIoC or Indicator of compromise is a mechanism for detecting signature-based malware. This indicator is used for known malware and for…Jan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022
InSystem WeaknessbyDavid E Lares SMalware fundamentals overviewMalware is a type of software that is designed to perform unwanted functionality, and you may be contradicting me here, but the fact is…Jan 3, 2022Jan 3, 2022
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SCommon caching flaws in web applications.Caching strategies in web apps can be a really helpful mechanism for performance improvement and for many other things, but also can be…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SSQL Injection practical overview (1/2)Databases have been around since forever, and almost 50 years ago a lot of projects were put together and transformed into what is today…Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SSQL Injection practical overview (2/2)Continuing on this practice, we just covered SQLi definitions, types of possible attacks, how classic and blind SQLi work, data processing…Feb 13, 2021Feb 13, 2021
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SSetting up a Proxy Server for traffic monitoring with TsharkIn a few countries there’s a lot of restrictions according to Internet usage, restricted websites, banned web services or any kind of…Aug 29, 2019Aug 29, 2019
InLevel Up CodingbyDavid E Lares SCracking WIFI Passwords with Aircrack-ng Suite.This writing focuses entirely on practical ways of cracking passwords, encryption types and how to brute force WiFi networks.Aug 29, 2019Aug 29, 2019
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SRaw Sockets with Python: Sniffing and network packet injections.Using Raw socketsSep 2, 2019Sep 2, 2019
InLevel Up CodingbyDavid E Lares SA Simple Overview of Logical SecurityThe most used mechanism in the security perspective is authentication, this is the process of providing you as a user, a way to say who you…Nov 17, 2021Nov 17, 2021
InLevel Up CodingbyDavid E Lares SIntroduction to Data SecurityData is everything today, specifically in software, the rise of data-driven applications is unleashed and the need for securing is a…Nov 11, 2021Nov 11, 2021
InNerd For TechbyDavid E Lares SPhysical layer attacksIn the OSI model, the physical layer is the most elemental one, is responsible for relating software logic with physical devices or mediums…Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021
InSystem WeaknessbyDavid E Lares SCommon TCP/IP OSI layer attacksThe OSI model is the foundation for all the communications in telematic networks. In a non-techie POV, this establishes and enables the…Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021
InSystem WeaknessbyDavid E Lares SData-link layer attacksThe following is intended to be a simple overview of the most common data link layer attacks based on the OSI model. I’ll not cover most of…Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021